The Baron of Belgrave Square
Obscurus presents: The Baron of Belgrave Square
1876 – A Victorian Gothic novel
From the creators of Darcy & Cult, this immersive historical drama unfolds by means of a ghost, a holy miracle, witchcraft, a pirate treasure, twisted romance and a cruel plan for revenge.
What to Expect:
• International Event: English language
• Bring your own Victorian coolthentic costume
• Playing with superstition that’s all in your head, no real monsters or ghosts
• 54 Pre-written characters: Each the main character of their own Gothic novel with many interconnected storylines.
Unravel mysteries, engage in suspenseful drama, and create your own story. Only the beginning is set, what happens next is up to you.
Date & location
2 – 5 September 2025, Château de Dalhem, Belgium
Everything you need to know about the event is on the website:
Setting, experience, practical information, signup, and cost.
Sign up opens for all at September, 14, at 19:00 CET

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